Friday, December 5, 2014

What would you do with an extra hundred smackers?

Since we are on a military retirements pay for our main income these days, we have to make our money stretch as far as it will go. We do frugal things like make our own laundry soap, grow some of our own food, and reuse things whenever possible.

One thing that we all use that is hard to save on. 

Great quality razors!

Living in a military town, lots of our husbands go through razors like it's cool! Since retirement, I think Sam has been growing the same scruffy beard! I keep getting annoyed with it and make him cut it off, and it doesn't take too long before he starts growing it out again... much to my complaining!

Then we found out about Dollar Shave Club razors! Seriously! How could life get ANY easier than having razors delivered to your front door for as little as $3 a month?! Now let me tell you, when you've got a pre-teen girl that thinks that she needs to shave her legs EVERY DAY, and myself who shaves every other day, and a teen boy who WANTS to shave every day (poor fella has blonde hair like his momma.. you can't even see it!! LOL) you go through a lot of razors!!!! By getting a subscription to DSC, you could save $100 a year! Who wouldn't want more jingle in the pocket?

So, I was thinking, what would *I* do with an extra $100?

  • I would buy these lovely Qupid knee high boots for $32.99
  • Or I would buy these tag collars for all my hound dogs $45
  • Or this beautiful collar for my beautiful Annie-dog $46
  • Or maybe just buy a bunch of supplies for one of the craft ventures that I'm working on! (More on this at a later date!)

As you can see, you could do a lot of things with $100! If YOU would like an extra $100, check out the Dollar Shave Club, and buy yourself something nice with all the money you save!

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