Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday weigh in

I know I said every day for 90 days. I'm sorry. I had some personal things come up and felt that I needed to take care of them before my blog. I hope y'all (you? Lol) are okay with that. (Cos if not, I don't really care anyways... lol)

Anyways!! I lost another 3.6 pounds this week! Wooooooot!! I'm excited!!

That's all I have for right now!! <3


  1. Congrats on the loss! It's always exciting to step on the scale and see the numbers moving in the direction you want.

  2. Way to go!

    I meant to email you to make sure everything was ok. Been thinking about you. I was down .8 - I'm sooo slooowww!
