Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday Weigh-in

So, I'm going to keep it real this week.

I stepped on the scale and it said 206.8

Yup... I gained.

I kinda figured I would.. considering I worked out one day and didn't track any of my food. What the heck is WRONG with me?!

I will be back at it today. Working on my Turbo Jam. I just have to remind myself that just because I had a gain this week, it doesn't mean I need to give up! I just have to be more diligent with working out and tracking my food!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had a gain. I'm down 3.4 - but that's to be expected since it's my first week back on plan. Next week I'll be back to my usual tiny lossed (.6, .8, etc.).

    Here's to both of us doing well this week!
