Saturday, December 31, 2011

My baby boy is a teenager now!

Well, Monk tuned 13 today. I can't believe it. He's grown into such a young man.

He has gone through a lot in his short 13 years.

He's come so far! Three years ago he was diagnosed as dyslexic, and this year he pulled his reading level up to 5th grade! They weren't sure that he would ever be able to read past a 3rd grade level, but he showed them!

I'm so very proud of my little man. He has such a great love for the simpiler things. He is always trying to help. I can't wait to see what the future holds for my little man!

Happy birthday Monkey! I love you!


  1. Love following your blog!
    Happy New Year, Jacque!

  2. Congrats to Monkey! Wow - good for him for his reading accomplishments!
