Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Going Away

So, last night was Sams' going away party.

Sam has been in the Marine Corps for 8.5 years, on a 5 year contract. Right before we met, he was injured, and he has been on a medical hold ever since then. Sam has been with the same Battalion since we met.

Since we have a very interesting last name, it's really easy to make nicknames from it. Which is what they did on his plaque. And there were stories to match every nickname. I think my favorite story was behind "The Honorable Mr. Charwood," but there is also Char-Wizzle, Char-Deezy, Char Char Binks, Char-izard, and Charmeleon. They also got him a REALLY nice pen that I will steal I'm sure he will get lots of use out of!

I got to meet more of the guys, some of them I knew already. JD was there as well. Bug LOVES JD. All the guys were calling him "Uncle" because of Bug and Monkey! LOL

We all left with full bellies from the Mongolian House here in Jacksonville. Sorry I didn't get many pictures of the actual event, but, I was too busy eating, then listening to all the guys stories of Sam.

Tonight, JD is coming over for dinner. So, that means I need to go and get Monkey working on his homework! 


  1. I'm glad you had a good time. I know you've been waiting a while for this :)

  2. This post reminds me of exactly one of the things I LOVE about the they like to make up nicknames!!! HIlarious. Good luck on your journey in too your new lives~~

  3. Found your blog on the military spouses site. Sounds like a great party!
