Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So... I finally got the official time from the 5k, and I have to say that I am more than a bit confused.

My official time was 47 minutes flat.

Now... there was a lady from our church that I ran the ENTIRE race with. We crossed the finish line together... and her husband (who didn't run with us because he ran a much faster time) came back a ways and ran across the finish line (for a second time) with us. She's not listed with me! (And for the life of me I can't remember her last name... haha)

I'm very confused because when I crossed the finish line it said 46! No... I didn't mistake it for a 6 but it was an 8... it was a 6 I would bet my life on it!

All in all... I guess what REALLY matters is that I did it, not the time that I did it in. But, I would be lying if I said that 47 didn't bother me. I guess that just means more training, and more races! Maybe someday, I'll go run a half marathon with RJ! ;-)


  1. Hi. My time came back 43 something. And I have to say that my time bothers me too. But this was your first race right? That isn't a bad time. There is another race in Jxv on June 4th. (Dollars for Scholars). It s a 5k walk/run. Jsyk.

    Good luck on your training. Running is a hard sport (I think). It takes a lot of endurance. My goal for now is to get to under 40 minutes.

    Anyway! Good Job on your first race!

  2. Oh yeah!!! I'll hold you to that now :) haha!!! I still say we need to get a huge blogger group & do the Disney Princess Half Marathon one year... that would be AWESOME!!!!!

    I know its frustrating when the times seem off... but I always try to remember, my time isnt going to win me the first place money prize, so it is what it is... I do suggest though buying some sort of timing watch so you can know exactly YOUR time & know that's right. At least for sanity sake :)
