Saturday, April 16, 2011

It's already Saturday?! :-(

So, we all had a fantastic time with my sister visiting!! They got here about 9pm on Tuesday. I let the kids stay up until they got here because I KNEW that if I didn't, they weren't going to go to sleep anyways! So, they got here, and we did a lot of hugging, and kissing, and professing how big the kids have gotten etc etc. Then I made the kids go to bed so they could get up and go to school the next day. (Yeah, I know) I did kinda pull a fast one on Monkey tho. He had a doctors appointment at 3, so I went and picked him up at about 2. As soon as he comes out of the classroom he's running up the hall towards me saying "Are they here?! Are they here?!" I laughed and told him no that he had an appointment. He said "Man! I was hoping they were here already!!!" He's so cute!!

Wednesday we did some running around in town. We went to Toys R Us to get Monkey a K'nex Ferris Wheel that he had been wanting (I guess... because he never said anything to me about it!! LOL). This thing is REALLY cool!!

 When Monk got home he put it together in about 30 minutes. It's about the only bad thing in buying him stuff like that. He puts it together really quickly and then doesn't know what to do after that! I think I'm going to try and broaden his horizons and see if he can make something that's NOT in the instructions!

They also got Bug some Squinkies. For those of you that don't know what those are...

except hers have hair. They're like tiny Troll dolls! They don't really serve a purpose, and they're REALLY small (think plastic gumball containers that have those little rings in them). Of course... Troll dolls didn't really have a purpose either... and we even had clothes for those things!! Wednesday night we had hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill. It was tasty!!! 

Thursday I let the kids stay home from school. Yes... I let them skip school. It's one day, and they haven't seen their aunt in 2 years, so sue me! We all went to Topsail Island and hung out there for a while.

I put sunscreen on Monks head, because he rarely takes his shirt off in the house, much less public! Turns out this was not going to work. He took his shirt off and his blinding white skin was exposed. I told him to go have his aunt put some sunscreen on him when he put his shirt up near our stuff while the rest of us (his other aunt, sister, and myself) were looking for cool seashells. Apparently it didn't translate well and he didn't get sunscreen. Then I thought she said he didn't have any on his belly... she really said BODY! He now has a pretty good sunburn on his back. I, on the other hand, bring the sunscreen, apply it to others, and magically forget myself...... every time! I have a sunburnt face and arms. My arms are almost brown now... interesting... no peeling.... yet! We have dinner at Mikes Farm, which is one of our FAVORITE places in all of the area to eat. We all came home and fell into bed with full bellies! 

Friday, the kids went to school again, and we did a little more shopping! My sister got a new pair of Dr Martin boots! MAN! I really want a new pair!! The only bad thing is, they don't have ladies, or sandals! :-( Then when the kids got home from school, we played a little Ultimate Band and went to Emerald Isle for some dinner at Jordan's Seafood

It was pretty good!! Our waitress was AWESOME! We ended up leaving her a pretty good tip as well. We went across the street to get some tourist goodies. My sisters got a couple sweatshirts and t-shirts. Sam bought Monkey a solar powered flower bug, and Buggy a couple of shirts, and he got me a couple of turtle things because he knows my thing is sea turtles (and sloths... but you don't find many cute sloth items...). 

This morning I woke up with the sun to get Bug off to go to the Great Wolf Lodge for her Girl Scout trip. They left at 6:45. Around 8 my sisters woke up and started to get everything ready to get on the road, and at 10:30 they left. :-( I already miss them, but I know that they have to go home and take care of their lives at home. I love you guys!

Maybe next year we will have to go up to Ohio and visit everyone, but I think it would be in August.... when it's warm. have you seen the weather for this time of year up there??? (High today is 55!! No thanks!! LOL)

Today, we've got to go to the Farmers Market again and then Sam wants to look at a gun and then we're going to clean the house. It's going to be an icky icky ICKY day today... so... we're staying in today! :-)

I ordered the wrong sized wicks for the candles... so I'm ordering more of those and then Charwood Candle will be fully operational! We will be selling our candles for $9. But, if you would like to pre-order, let me know and I will put you on the list!! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a good time with your sisters. Hey, I actually got HOT today going out to get groceries. Not that I want to sit out there or anything :)

    I'm also glad you guys are safe - that was some pretty scary stuff!
