Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yes... I suck... I'm sorry!!

So.. I know I missed P365... and I've been terrible about taking pictures this past week as well. It's so close to P365 for THIS week that I'm just going to wait and post them all together. I'm sorry guys!

There has been quite a bit going on, but it seems like nothing at the same time!! I always feel like I'm busy, but it never seems like much of anything gets done! *sigh!*

Well, I'll just drop a little update down for everyone. After the news of Sam going to Wounded Warrior barracks was handed out, he gave me a little more info. He's not sure that they're even going to approve it, and even if they do, it's only for 90 days at first. If it takes longer than 90 days to get him out of the Marine Corps they can either ship him back to his unit, or keep him at the WW until he is out. Either way, he will be able to focus more on getting out of the Marine Corps and finding employment and whatnot.

A new development for me is, on Monday 14March2011, I'm going to start the Couch 2 5K program. It's basically a running "program" that helps get you in shape to run a 5K (or approximately 3 miles). You can find out more about it here. I downloaded a program on my phone that helps time you. It gives audible beeps for when you're supposed to switch from walking to running. It's quite the nifty little gadget! It essentially gets you from couch potato to 5K runner in a matter of 9 weeks by only working 3 days a week! Of course, I would really like to run MORE than 3 days a week, ideally I would like to run every day!!

The reason why I decided that I wanted to start the C25K program (Couch 2 5K for those that weren't paying attention) is because there is a 1 mile, 5k, 10k, and half marathon here in Jacksonville for the Wounded Warriors. It's called Hope For The Warriors and I would REALLY like to run it! It's only $20 for a single person, but, there is an option for the entire family, which is $65. There is a discount for Sam since he is a Wounded Warrior, tho I'm not sure what that would be. Monkey is on board for doing it. I figure Monkey and I could probably run the 5k, and Bug and Sam could walk the mile.

On another note. The weather here is icky!!
That red circle is where we are. Tho it's not as bad as it could have been! Holy moly! It starts pouring, then it stops, pours, stops... etc etc!! It really doesn't impact me all that much, other than I just want to sit on the couch and watch TV all day... more so than usual that is... *shifty eyes*

Speaking of watchign TV! I did find more than one channel on our bunny ears finally!! Tho we don't watch much TV, we have been stuck with only ABC for live TV for quite some time because we turned the cable off to save a little bit of money. It didn't really bother me that much, other than not being able to watch a couple things that I wanted because we didn't have that channel any more (Hello!! Classic Nickelodeon cartoons!! {Random fact: A nickelodeon is also known as a jukebox or as an early movie theatre [yes, I know it's spelled theater in America]}) I was TRYING to watch The Bachelor : The Women Tell All and it wouldn't come in very good so I started messing with the bunny ears. Wednesday I decided that I was going to go thru the channels again and see if we got any of the other ones since I moved the ears. Wouldn't you know it... we now get all the major ones... including FOX! Wooo!! (Hello!! House! {Random Fact: I don't have one for FOX})


  1. haha - You coulda looked up some random fact on the "Fox" animal :)

    So excited to see you start your running journey! I'll be cheering you on when you do your first race!!! GO GIRL!!!

  2. Oh running - that's where you go faster than an amble, right? Heh. Good luck on your program!
