Saturday, January 29, 2011

Our Life In Pictures - Project365 Week 4

So, things are going to look a little strange this week. I'm having to use old fashioned HTML to do this! For some reason Picasa wouldn't load for me, and I can't get "compose" to pull up the picture loader either!! *sigh* Just been that kinda week for me!!

Sunday 23 January - Sam didn't cook this week. :-( It's okay tho. I made lemon pepper chicken, and green beans with a fresh loaf of sourdough bread! It was a GIANT hit! :-) I make lemon pepper chicken quite often tho. Maybe I should have made maple chicken instead. Oh well. It was good! :-D

Monday and Tuesday 24 & 25 January - I'm not going to lie. I didn't even attempt to take pictures these 2 days. I spent them curled in a ball in my bedroom trying not to move think or breath because I had a HORRIBLE migraine! At one point I called my friend Keona and told her to come kill me because I couldn't handle the pain any more. :-/ It was a rough couple of days. I would basically get up in the morning to get Monkey ready for school and go back to my bedroom. Bug stayed home both days because she didn't feel well at all. She basically stayed in my room with me and watched Netflix on the laptop and would wake me up when she wanted or needed something.

Wednesday 26 January - I feel better this day. I decide that I'm going to make it worth while and get up and make dinner for everyone. I just realized that I made lemon pepper something twice this week! Crazy!!

Thursday 27 January - I felt a little crafty today, and decided that I was going to make a "container" to hold all of our storage container lids. Basically I took a USPS large flat rate box and cut the top off and taped the bottom closed. Looking back I PROBABLY should have mod podged it closed, but, I wasn't thinking about the paint not sticking to the tape! As you can see, it holds all of the lids quite nicely. I'm thinking about making a liner for it in blue and green fabric. We've already planned how we want to decorate the house, and it's basically all blues and greens other than the bedrooms. I think I want to do the dining and kitchen in a light seafoamy blue. I'm not sure yet tho.

Friday 28 January - This is Monkeys castle that he made for his math project. He had to make the castle, take measurements, and make a journal and spreadsheet. This turned out to be one of the crappiest days of the week. I had to drive Monkey to school because he couldn't take his castle on the bus. So, I had to wake Bug up and take her with me. We didn't get back until it was almost time for her to get on the bus. So, she had to get dressed and eat breakfast and then I had to drive HER to school. Then I started dinner, started laundry. and then did some work on the computer. I was tooling around on facebook, and I find out that one of the guys that I used to play cards with while Sam played poker lost his battle with cancer. His funeral is on Monday. :-( RIP Marc. We lost a great man, but Heaven gained a beautiful angel.

Saturday 29 January - Bug and I got up early this morning and went to World Thinking Day for Girl Scouts. Of COURSE I forgot my camera so I only had my cell phone to take pictures with. I got a couple of good pictures, but I don't know that they are good enough to share on here. I'll try to upload them and post one later if they turn out any good. Of course, they look good on my cell phone, but, who knows what they will look like on the screen! I made gumbo today. Shrimp, chicken, and sausage gumbo, with some French bread! It was really good!! Bug has one of her friends staying the night with her as well. Tomorrow we will all go to church together. :-)


  1. Great idea for the lids and I totally love the idea to line the interior with fabric...please, show pics. when finished!
    Monkey did a great job on his castle!

  2. so sorry you had such a bad migraine. I don't get those but have several friends that do, so I know it was bad.

    We love lemon pepper in our house too!

    the castle was awesome!!!

  3. Gumbo is always yummy and yours looks really good!

  4. Love lemon pepper and the castle was way cool.

  5. That's a great castle! He did a good job.

    Your gumbo looks yummy and I don't even like gumbo.

  6. All your yummy food photos make me hungry :)
    Very cool castle! He did a great job! I think kids learn more (or at least retain more) when they do hands-on projects like that.
    Have a great week!

  7. Love the castle - good job! Hope you're feeling MUCH better this week :)

  8. Way to get organized.
    Super castle!
    All the food yummy, but the shrimp gumbo with French bread...OH, my!!!
