Monday, September 27, 2010

Giveaways!! Woo!

So, as some of you might know, I'm a sucker for a giveaway! I LOVE giveaways! I actually won one not too long ago! I won this fantastic little red, and blue purse that has white stars all over it. It's from A Happy Distraction. Fantastic shop!
Anyways! That's not todays giveaway tho! I found this FANTASTIC site called Dandy Giveaway. It's all they do! Give away stuff! Well, they have DIY and recipes and such as well, but, they give stuff away! All the time! How fantastic is that?! That has to be the absolute best job in the world. I swear. Not only do I like to get free stuff, but I like to GIVE free stuff away as well! Which is why I'm telling you about their latest giveaways. One is a $50 gift certificate to Bella Michele Jewelry!! You can enter by clicking here! And for all you parents of little girls. They are giving away a Lalaloopsy doll as well! Serious cuteness there! I want to win this for Bug! She would LOVE it!! You can enter that giveaway here

Good luck! :-)

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