Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So, I know I haven't posted in a while, but I have a real, honest-to-goodnes, excuse!!

I've been in Houston helping my parents move into their new house!! We've all been having a lot of fun here. The kids have been swimming every day. monkey even has some tan!! Bug thinks about walking outside and has a tan, so her having a tan is not newsworthy. Sam has swimmers ear because he's been out in the pool every day with the kids, splashing. swimming, and having general fun in the water. He even lost his wedding ring out in the lawn because of tossing them around!! I've been busy with the Koi pond. It doesn't seem like anybody really took very good care of it before my parents moved in.It's full of algae and nastiness! I've been trying to talk her into going to Lowes and getting a UV filter. She wants to try some Pleco fish first.  I think it would just be better to use the UV Filter! LOL

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