Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I got an award!!!

Yes, I know, I've been slacking on my "30Days" It's okay tho. I'm alright with that.

Anyways! I got an award! The most awesome K from Navy Nest bestowed this award on me. I was very excited. :-) The rules are pretty simple. You just need to tell 3 things that you love about yourself and then pass it on to 5 more people. Pretty simple, eh?

1. I love the fact that I'm becoming more domesticated. I have all these plans for things that I want to make. I have plans to make some clothes for Bug, some curtains for the back door, for Bugs room, and for the master bedroom.  I also would like to make a table cloth and some place mats, or maybe just some matching napkins for the table cloth. I have some plans for clothes for myself as well!

2 I love the fact that I am a pretty decent cook. I mean, I can't just go "Hmm. I wonder if I mix, this, this and thiiiiiiis together I bet it would taste really good!" I follow a recipe, and it comes out pretty good! I can usually tweak a little bit and it still come out pretty tasty. When my Momma came for a visit, I made Beef Burgundy. My Mom really liked it! I impressed my Mom with my cooking! That was pretty awesome.

3 I love the fact that I am stronger than I ever thought I could be. I'm stronger than most people every gave me credit for.

Now I have to pass this award on to 5 others!
1 Momma at Meanderings
2 Heidi at Empty Nest, PCS, and All The Rest
3 Katie at Take Me Down to the Little White Church
4 Nicole at Flip Clops and Combat Boots
5 Bethany at A Southern Belle and Her Officer

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