Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 6: Whatever tickles your fancy

So yes... I missed a day yesterday, so it will actually be 31 Days of Me! LOL

Whatever tickles my fancy... hmmmm... My house tickles my fancy! I guess I will talk about my house. We've lived here for a little less than a year. The end of this month will be a year. We have such wonderful plans for this house. I'll share some of them with you! :-)

(Pay no mind to the date, it's wrong. These were the pictures that we took when we were buying it.)

Here is the front of our house.

What we would like to do is this: rip out all of those horrible hedges. They stink for one thing, and for another, they're a pain in the arse to maintain! So, we're going to rip those out. Then, we are going to build a new front porch from the edge of the current porch, to the end of the 3rd window. Basically following the ^ in the house. On either side of the porch, we will be planting 3 Josee Reblooming Lilac in the front. One in front of the single window on the left hand side of the picture, and two on the other side, one of which will be right outside one of our bedroom windows. I'm not sure if I want to put in a porch swing or some rocking chairs and a table between. There will be some other plants up there too, but, we just haven't figured out what we want there yet, other than the Lilacs.

Next is the living room. (Yes the picture is fuzzy....)

Yes, the walls are painted Brick Red and Dark Brown. We have plans to paint this room a light green color to go with our black couch and love seat. There really isn't a whole lot to change here, other than the paint, maybe put some new trim, or possibly some new tile in front of the front door. Which would be nice.

Here's the Master Bedroom. (By FAR the worst room in the whole house!)

Yeah, so, those pictures on the wall, the previous owners painted it a horrible sponge paint, of light brown on the bottom and dark brown on the top, well, the failed to move any of the pictures on the walls, so, amongst the horrible paint, is touch-up horrible paint. We call it the "diarrhea room" because it literally looks like someone has thrown poo all over the walls. It's terrible!!!!!! They even had CONTACT PAPER on the windows to help black out the light from the lap post that's on the corner of the property. *shudder*

We're going to paint this room a nice robins' egg blue, maybe just a little bit darker than robins' egg blue. I would like to get white bedding and repaint our dressers white, and the trim the same blue as our room, and white curtains. Sam says he doesn't really like the idea, but I do. He thinks that because our master bedroom and bath are connected that we would have to carry the "theme" into there, which I tell him that we don't have to. I want to do the exact opposite in there. Everything pretty much white with blue accents. Of course, I want to put new trim in the bathroom because everything is trimmed in icky 80's looking brass. I want everything to be stainless steel or silver.

The kitchen.

So, the kitchen isn't that horribly big, but it's not tiny either. We want to repaint it. I'm not sure what color yet. We actually want to build onto the house as well. We would like to add a dinning room off the back of the kitchen, where the windows are, on the left side of the picture. We would then turn the dinning room into an office/den type area. I would like to take out the door from that section of the house, and put in a nice picture window possibly, and add a deck to the back of the house between the house and the new dinning room. I was thinking of a light yellow for the kitchen. It's currently a burnt orange color sponge painted with a creamy orange on the top. It's the most tolerable room that was repainted by the former owners. They still did a horrible job of it though. We also want to take out the small counter right beside the laundry room entrance and make it into a pantry. We have PLENTY of cabinet space, but, I had thought about taking out the bar to open it up a bit. Not sure if we are still going to do this or not.

The last room that I would like to do anything with as of right now is the Laundry room. Not much to do in there.

What I would like to do in here, other than get one of those really awesome front loading washers and dryers, is paint it a deep sky blue color and get some boarder to put around the whole thing. Except I wouldn't put the boarder on the top of the wall, I would put it about 2/3 - 3/4 of the way up the wall.
I was thinking about something like this border, considering it's also our "dog room" as well as our laundry room.
It's kinda cute. But you never know what I will actually put up there. Until we get it all painted and done, there's still time to change my mind! LOL

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