Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 10: A photo of you taken over ten years ago

There are very few pictures of me that were taken over 10 years ago. Ten years ago today, I was married to my first husband. I was deliriously happy at this moment in time 10 years ago. We were getting ready to go to Wyoming for his Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. I remember us talking and saying that we would have something as wonderful as what they had on our 50th wedding anniversary.
Well, as you can see, I'm no longer married to my first husband. A lot of things can happen in just a couple years time.

Anyways! Here is a picture of me that is older than 10 years. This was my Junior year of high school. I was going to the prom, alone. I didn't really care. There was only one guy that I was really interested in, and he was dating someone else at the time anyways. I was never actually serious with anyone when I was in school. I found myself single at least once every 30 days. Usually at my choice. My sister did my hair, as she did in just about every single occasion that I needed to have my hair done. She took me to get my nails done as well. My Mom, the ever hard working Mom that she was, was in Japan at the time, so, my sister stepped in and helped. My mom bought me my corsage and I was none the happier to show up, eat, and leave. *giggle* I guess that still carries over to today actually. Every single Marine Corps Ball I've ever been too, we show up, look nice, pictures, smile, eat, and leave. In about 10 years MY little girl will be about the same age as I am in this picture, and she will be going to Prom. I can only hope that she's smart, like me, and goes alone!


  1. You looked stunning. I bet many of the boys were eating their heart out..Good for you for doing things your own way!

  2. Thank you! I know alot of the girls that I went to school with are eating their hearts out now.. I still look just about the same as I did when I was in HS... not many of them do.. LOL
