Saturday, March 27, 2010

Weight loss

So, I went to the doctor today because my back was really hurting from working out. I lost 3 pounds!! I need to work out today and tomorrow and then do my regular weigh in and tape on Monday to see if I've lost any body fat or anything. The doctor said that a good weight for me would be around 145, so, that's what I'm going to shoot for. At that weight I would need to lose a total of 50 pounds. I can do it! I think what I will do is go ahead and look for a part time job for when the kids are in school. We don't exactly NEED the money, but it would make life a little easier with some extra spending cash. I will continue on with my work outs as well. Hopefully I can find a place that will let me work these few hours and not have a problem with it. *fingers crossed*
Today, we're going to a birthday party for one of our friends kids. He turned 1 today! Hooray! They're having a small get together with some hot dogs and such. Just a little bit for today. I have so much to get done! Hopefully I will have time again on Sunday or Monday to do a better blog entry! 

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