Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's been a while!

I apologize to my on follower for the lack of updates lately. Things have been a lil crazy around here!

Monkey's birthday was really fun! He had his friend over and we had cake and ice cream and open some presents. He got a helicopter from my mom, which he has played with a few times, but since it takes quite a few batteries, he doesn't play with it that much. He still loves it though! He got a few more presents, but, I think that one was his favorite!

We're still doing okay in school! Bug has started going to the "gifted children" classes. She is in 1st grade, and reads on a 3rd grade level. She's really far ahead! She LOVES going to school! Monkey on the other hand, some days it's a struggle to get him motivated to go to school and do his homework. We're currently reading Charlottes' Web and have plans to watch the cartoon at the halfway point, and when we're done reading the book, we're going to throw a party and have popcorn, candy, and soda, and watch the movie! He's really excited about this and has been trying to read as much as he can. Usually in the evening we trade off reading pages for at least a chapter a night.

Sam and I are doing well. We had a pretty low key Valentine's Day, and just spent time with each other after the kids went to bed. Bug had a Valentine's dance at school, and she got a new dress. We tried on LOTS of dresses at the mall, and she finally settled on a pink and black polka dot one with some strappy black sparkly heels (They were only maybe an inch high) She looked very cute!

Not an extreme amount has been happening lately. I'm seriously going to try and blog more! But now, I have to get back to doing laundry!

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