Thursday, February 25, 2010

I can't find the remote!

So, for the past 2 days, I have been looking for the television remote, so I can change the channel. I know what you're thinking, just walk up and change the channel on the TV! Not that easy my friend, and I'll explain why.

Usually it's not that big of a deal! We don't have cable, but we do have a converter box, but the converter box only picks up one station, so we rarely watch TV any more. I do like to occasionally watch the news, but every Sunday I HAVE to would really like to watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Tho, it does seem like every time I watch it, I am overcome with happiness and I have Houdini tears. Well, since we only have one channel on TV, most of the time we play games on the Wii, which requires that we have it on a component channel. So, the TV is happily sitting on Component 2 (for the Wii) until I decided yesterday that I would really like to watch the tail end of GMA and catch The Ellen Show. I really like the Ellen show! She is always giving stuff away, helping people, trying to be a better person in this world of cut-throats and heart breakers. Well, here comes my dilemma, I can't find the remote, and the only way to change it from a component channel back to a regular channel is to press a button on the remote, which I can't find.  I have looked everywhere that I could think that a TV remote should be. In the couch, under the couch, in the dogs bed (She likes to carry random stuff to it, just to have it there), in the kids rooms, our room. Can't find it! I guess I'm going to have to get down on my hands and knees with a fine tooth comb and search for it.

Bug had Girl Scouts last night. I used to have alot of fun in Girl Scouts when I was younger. Got to send my cookie sheet to work with mom, who always got alot of orders for me. We would go to camp, sit around the fire and tell scary stories and roast marshmallows. Then there were the occasional times where we would steal the troop leaders underwear and sneak out and run them up the flag pole where everyone met in the morning for morning meeting and she would get back at us by hanging all of our bras, panties and socks from holes in the ceiling. (We usually stayed in the old time hand made log cabin.) Thinking back on trekking to  the middle of the camp wasn't all that good of an idea for a small group of young girls (think, all less than 13) to go walking thru the woods, in the middle of the night, all alone, with nothing but the moonlight to guide us. Don't get me wrong! I always had a BLAST doing it, and then watching our troop leader have to sing God Bless My Underwear to get them back, but that was a very reckless thing that we did. We were out in the middle of the woods, alone! What if something would have happened to us? Nobody would have been there to help us. Well, I guess that's just something that you don't think about when you're young and invincible!

Well, I think it's back to the hunt for the elusive TV remote. That, and I have more laundry, more dishes, and more house cleaning to do! I'm not sure what I'm going to make for dinner tonight. It's getting close to pay day, so, we're getting down to the bare bones in the kitchen! Maybe I will make some potato soup, or some chicken soup. Fresh, homemade chicken soup sounds rather good actually! It's supposed to be a chilly day today. I hope that I have all the stuff to make it!

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