Friday, December 11, 2009

ThriftyGrl Giveaway!

So, as most of you know, I try to be as thrifty as possible. As most of you know, living the life of a military wife is not that easy, and it isn't any easier being a military child. Old Navy is one of my favorite places on Earth to shop! Well, there is a nice young lady that is giving away a $50 off of $100 at Old Navy coupon and I REALLY want it! As part of the contest to win this coupon, I said that I would blog about it, and add her to my blog roll. Well, the more that I started looking around, the more that I like the site! I am pleased to announce the addition of ThrifyGrl to my blog roll! Go check her out, and enter to win the coupon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jacque! Thanks so much for being such an awesome, loyal ThriftyGrl reader! I am sorry you didn't win the Old Navy giveaway this evening! Keep trying - we have many more giveaways planned for this month!

    I am writing because I came across this website tonight and thought of you - they send FREE care packages to military members.

    I have many friends in the military (and friends that are military spouses) and I know it can be hard in many ways - including financially! I always do my best to include military deals on ThriftyGrl. If there is ever anything else I can help with, please let me know! : )

    Thanks again for being such an awesome ThriftyGrl reader!

    Take care,
