Saturday, June 27, 2009

New home!!!

So, tonight is the first night in the new house! We've got almost everything moved. The only thing we have left is the kitchen stuff. We wanted to finish washing the dishes before we moved everything over. We have to finish cleaning the old place as well so we can get our deposit back.

I have about half of the clothes hung in the closet. I need to get some more hangers! It looks rather empty in the closet even with half of the clothes hung up! We had some Taco Bell for dinner because of not having anything in the fridge, and nothing to cook on, with, or eat on!

We've got the TV set up, and obviously the internet. The water tastes a whole lot better than it did at the old place, but still tastes horrible. We already have the spot picked out for the desk, and even got a wireless card for the desktop so we didn't have to drill a new hole in the floor. We've figured out that the vents in the living room, if we put the loveseat against the wall and the TV against the wall, will both be covered up! So, we decided to put the TV against the wall and leave the loveseat pulled out a bit. I guess that the dog can lay back there!

We've still got alot to unpack, but, things are coming along nicely. I found a bunch of clothes that are a a bit too small that we are keeping put up on the shelf as motivation to lose weight. Hopefully that works!

Sam is having alot of fun only using the master bathroom, which is very funny! We have 2 bathrooms now, and he says that the 2nd bathroom is only for the kids, and visitors, so we have to use our bathroom! He is too funny! Today he seen a picture of an American Eskimo puppy, which is the type of dog that Monkey has, and he fell in love. He now wants to buy an Eskie puppy. I told him that we would have to wait for a little while before we could afford to buy one of them. I still want to get my rescued Greyhound. Eventually we will get another dog.

We got to meet one of our neighbors today as well. He has 4 kdis! I can't imagin having that many kids! He does have 2 younger ones that are Monkey and Bugs ages! Sam and I think that it's fantastic that they young ones that can play with them. At least we know that we will have someone to play with! Now, lets hope they get along!

That's all for tonight, I'm pooped and I'm ready for bed!

1 comment:

  1. It'll be your luck that the kids next door and these two will fight all the time!! *L* I told them about the kids and they are excited to meet them.
